Past Award Recipients

  • Honors of the Association: Kim Cavitt, Au.D.
  • Outstanding Clinical Educator: Emily Dudley, Au.D.
  • President's Award: Blythe Kittner, Au.D.
  • Special Recognition Award: Emily Johnson, Au.D.
  • Honors of the Academy: Dana Helmink, Au.D., presented by Karen Glay, Au.D.
  •  George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  None
  • President’s Award:  Dee Bayro 
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2015-2016 Academic Year: Kelli Freeman (Northwestern University), Natalie Hodge (Rush), Alexandra Larson (Rush), Melissa Tedness (Illinois State University) 
  • Honors of the Academy: Stephen Hallenbeck, Au.D., presented by Tom Thunder, Au.D.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Denise Keenan, M.A., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • President’s Award:  Marla Trombetta, M.A.  presented by Dana Helmink, Au.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2014-2015 Academic Year: Molly Norris (Rush), Margaret Nowak (Rush), Lisia Rollman (NU) 
  • Honors of the Academy: Pamela Fiebig, Au.D., presented by Karen Glay, Au.D.
  •  George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Kathy Ulrich, M.A., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  •  President’s Award:  Joanne Schupback, M.A.  presented by Kim Franczyk, Au.D. & Steve Hallenbeck, Au.D., presented by Kim Franczyk, Au.D. 
  • Special Recognitions (Advocacy): Linda Remensnyder, Au.D., presented by Tom Thunder, Au.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2013-2014 Academic Year: Dena Fahlquist (Rush), Margaret (Margie) Halinski (NU), Jaclyn Paisley (ISU) 
  • Honors of the Academy: Deborah Pitcher, Au.D., presented by Kathleen Campbell, Ph.D.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  None
  • President’s Award:  Marie Vetter, Au.D., presented by Steve Hallenbeck, Au.D. & Etymotic Research, presented by Steve Hallenbeck, Au.D.
  • Special Recognitions: Ginger Mullin, Au.D., presented by Kathleen Campbell, Ph.D.
  •  Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2011-2012 Academic Year: Kristen Cortese (Rush), Sean Flowers (NU), Cheryl Robinson (Rush) (Research)
  • Honors of the Academy: Alan Freint, M.D., presented by Paul Pessis, Au.D.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award: Regina Dziewior, Au.D., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • President’s Award: Danica Billingsly, Au.D., presented by Deborah Pitcher, Au.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2011-2012 Academic Year: Courtney Coburn (NU), Robert Risley (Rush), Samira Anderson, Au.D. (NU) (Research)
  • Honors of the Academy: Kathleen C.M. Campbell, Ph.D. presented by Deborah Pitcher, Au.D.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Pamela Fiebig, Au.D., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  •  President’s Award:  Marci Evans, Au.D. and Dana Helmink, Au.D., presented by John Nelson, Ph.D.
  •  Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2010-2011 Academic Year: Quentin Kennedy (NU), Sarah Newmann (ISU), Lauren Sandberg (Rush)
  • Honors of the Academy: Mary Cay Chisholm, Au.D., presented by Sumitrajit Dhar, Ph.D.
  •  George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Colleen Armgardt, M.A. and Megan Bradshaw, Au.D.  
  • President’s Award:  Sumitrajit Dhar, Ph.D. presented by Mike M. J. Raffin, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2009-2010 Academic Year: Kristine Henslin, Rachel Specht, Jay Vachhani (all of Rush University)
  • Honors of the Academy:  Thomas Thunder, Au.D., presented by James Lankford, Ph.D.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Jeanne Perkins, M.A., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • President’s Award:  Christine Ulinski, Au.D., presented by Sumit Dhar, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipient 2008-2009 Academic Year:  Jacqueline Busen (Rush), McLorn Carpenter (Rush), Jessica Levine (NU)
  • Honors of the Academy:  Steven Wolinsky, Au.D., presented by David Hill, M.A.
  • George Osborne Clinical Educator Award:  Becky Braun, Au.D., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • President’s Award:  Thomas Thunder, Au.D., presented by Joseph Smaldino, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipient 2007-2008 Academic Year: Renee Banakis (NU), Rachel McMullen (Rush), Stephanie Pesa (Rush)
  • Special Recognitions: Gail Tanner, Au.D., presented by Joseph Smaldino, Ph.D. & Paul Pessis, Au.D. , presented by Joseph Smaldino, Ph.D.
  • Honors of the Academy:  Barbara R. Murphy, M.A., presented by Tom Thunder, Au.D.
  • Clinical Educator Award:  Michael Brown, Au.D., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • President’s Award: Dana Helmink, M.A.
  • Special Recognition: Marc Lichtman (Industry)
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2006-2007 Academic Year:  Jillian Baehr, Blythe Holmes (each of Rush University); Research Award: Jaimie Gilbert (University of Illinois)
  • Honors of the Academy:  Karen Glay, M.A., presented by Susan Rogan, Au.D.
  • Clinical Educator Awards:  Michael Hefferly, M.A., Denis Moore, Au.D., Madonna Stoioff, M.A., presented by Steve Wolinsky, Au.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2005-2006 Academic Year:  Lia Ferro (NU), Megan Mulvey (Rush), Magdalene Sikora (Rush), Darrin Worthington (NU)
  • President’s Award: Marci Evans, M.A.  and Barbara Murphy, M.A., presented by Susan Rogan, Au.D.
  • Honors of the Academy:  Paul Pessis, Au.D., presented by David Hill, M.A.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2004-2005 Academic Year: Erin Mairele, Hillary Snapp, Blair Tenllado (all of Rush University);Research Award: Sarah Melamed, (University of Illinois)
  • Honors of the Academy:  Marci Evans, M.A., presented by James Lankford, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Scholarship Recipients 2003-2004 Academic Year: Jessica Fulton and Beth Tanner (each of Rush University)
  • Special Recognitions:  Etymotic Research, accepted by Mead Killion, Ph.D.
  • Honors of the Academy:  Gail Gudmundsen, Au.D.
  • Special Recognitions:  Phonak, accepted by Liz Brassine, Au.D.
  • Honors of the Academy:  David Hill, M.A., presented by Paul Pessis, M.A.
  • President’s Award: Marci Evans, M.A., presented by Karen Glay, M.A. (Energizer Bunny)
  • Special Recognitions (Industry): Marty Keenan (Argosy/Unitron), presented by Karen Glay, M.A. 
  • Honors of the Academy:  James Lankford, Ph.D., presented by Karen Glay, M.A.